05 February 2013


Christ's Hospital visit to The Gambia

A team from Pageant are shortly leaving for their regular February visit to The Gambia. As well as Pippa and Ian, four students from Christ's Hospital (CH) will be going.  We are recruiting them as members of this blog, so we hope for up-to-the-minute reports on their activities. 
Arthur, Daniel, Luke and Oscar are all senior boys in Peele B at Christ's Hospital. Peele A & B (there are two houses in each 'block') have been raising money to sponsor Gambian students since 2004 - in latter years they have raised funds by holding the 'Peele Arts Festival' at school, which is an evening of music, sketches, video clips and other entertainment for which the rest of the school can buy tickets to attend. It is always entertaining, always a sell-out and organised by the boys themselves. 
At the start of the current school year the Peele B housemaster suggested that it would be a good idea for some of the boys to visit The Gambia, meet the students that they have been helping and organise some supportive activities that they could do at schools and in village communities. Arthur, Daniel, Luke and Oscar have thrown themselves into the project with great enthusiasm and a rather ambitious programme has been mapped out, for which the boys have done some fund-raising to provide all the materials. The programme includes:
As we said - rather ambitious!! They are intending to write some blog entries during the trip, if they have any energy left at the end of the day!! They also want to include video clips from their trip in the next 'Peele Arts Festival', which will be in the coming summer term.

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