02 February 2016


second blog with apologies

Well it is now Monday evening 1 Feb. Pippa and Ian left today so I am hoping they are eating their dinner and having a well deserved beer in the hotel.
We are staying in a different hotel this year as the Atlantic is closed for refurbishment (sic). It is the Sand Beach Hotel so my next blog will be from there (hopefully)

Just finished the sorting and tomorrow we will close the cases and seal the charity and science boxes. Not much to say except we are all looking forward to going over again and seeing everyone. I gave Bob the Chemistry Workshop booklets to take. They look really good and have the details of the experiments so the teachers can refer to them in the future.

Finally today an apology for the rubbish mistakes in the blog, (now mostly corrected, I hope). No matter how hard I look there is always at least one I miss.

Look out for the next blog probably Friday


PS I haven just worked out how to post the blogs this year- not as easy as before. so it is Tuesday evening and we have survived the cling filming of the cases with only 4 things left out!. We will stuff them in Helen's case tomorrow evening before we check in at Gatwick

Now for a beer!

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