09 February 2016
Tourist Day - Monday 8 February
Well, following a day where Bob had gippy tummy, Helen was ill during the night too. However both were recovered enough to come out on a tourist day today. We went to Calypso which was next to Ocean View Hotel. It was a very scenic spot with a small lagoon just behind the beach, which had about 12 crocodiles sunbathing on it. A great place to view them. Nothing to stop them walking on to the beach.
Calypso near Ocean View Hotel
Calypso - one of the seating areas in Calypso Beach
Then we visited Lamin Lodge which is as lovely as ever with the naughty monkeys that steal your drink given the chance.
On a day off visiting lamin lodge on Monday. This is the access bridge
We hope to visit the MRC at Gambia to show them a novel microscope developed by scientists from Cambridge who feel this could be of use in the field. Maybe tomorrow after the school workshop we are doing on the morning. Weather has been very hot today. Probably about 36.
Signing out - Kathy