14 February 2019


Preparing for the workshops

Valentine’s Day

The van had been fixed and was now working properly so we loaded the van with boxes of microscopes and crates of other equipment for the workshops in Gambia College

En route we stopped at Yundum Barracks School where the head teacher was expecting us. He gave us the costings for the new library and we took them away and will consider them when we get home. 
We also spoke with one of the teachers who has been trained as a librarian to get his views as to how it will be organised. While we were there we went into a nursery class and saw the teaching aids we had sent over last year in use. We saw phonic friezes, dino dominoes, and various shapes and number blocks being put to use.

After leaving there we went to the college to drop off the boxes of equipment. We were too early to get into the labs, so we made a few payments of sponsorship in the surrounding area and bought some fruit and veg for use as samples in both workshops.

Back then to the college to unpack and arrange all the kit for tomorrow which took a couple of hours, but it is time well spent.

Tomorrow and Saturday are all day workshops so my next blog will cover both of these.

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