03 December 2019


Monday...a day of waiting...

A day of tying up some loose ends, which unfortunately meant going back to Brikama to chase up a student whose report looked dodgy and to get some reports from the School of Public Health for three of our senior students.

So... we waited in the headteacher's office while they found the correct results for the suspect student.  We were right to be suspicious... instead of the perfect score she had given herself she had actually failed everything except religious knowledge!

On going back to see the parents they expressed amazement at this...and maybe they really did not know what she had been doing. If she put as much energy into her schoolwork as she has into her report falsification she might do a lot better!

On to the School of Public Health, where we waited for over an hour to get three reports printed off. To say I was frustrated is a gross understatement... I think Wandifa was worried I was going to explode with rage!!

For some reason that is beyond me, this college does not let the students have their results as they progress... so one of them, who is not doing very well, was completely surprised and shocked when he saw his marks. We were only allowed to have them as I had explained there would be no further sponsorship payment without them.

We dropped into Yundum Barracks to see the engineers and to discuss how payment will be made, should the final go-ahead be given to the library project. A mere fifteen minutes wait there... not bad as we were completely unexpected.

Back to the hotel... I collected all the financial stuff to take to Linda's for a final end of visit tally and the guys went off to chase the paperwork for the new minibus.  Success all round... the numbers added up and the paperwork has finally arrived... quite a good day in the end...

[Well that is probably the final post for this visit from Pippa in The Gambia, as she will be flying home tomorrow. I am slowly copying all these posts into a summary webpage, so they are all in one place as a record of Pippa and Andy's visit.]

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